For donor sign up:
The one who is interested can visit our blog and can be registered as a donor or a receiver .If you want to donate a book, just go to donor registration, select sign up  and enter the details required and click the register button, wait till we respond to your registration and speak with us and clarify your doubt. When you visit your blog on next time you can sign in with username and password.   The book should be sent to us to us through any corrier or postal services as, we are not hoping any extra money from you, and we request you to please pay the Delivery charges by your selves.

Follow the steps for sign up.
Step 1: Visit the Blog.
Step 2: Go to donor registration section.
Step 3: Enter the details required and press register button.
Step 4: Wait till we respond to your registration.
Step 5: clarify your doubts with us.
Step 6: send the book by paying delivery charges through any corrier or a postal service.

For a receiver sing up.
Go to receiver registration select the sign up, and enter the details required and accept the terms and policies and press register button, wait till we respond and then clarify your doubts and ask the particular book you saw in our book section and wanted from us. When you visit our biog on next time you can sign in with username and password. Send the sufficient amount through money order or transact to our bank account, as a deposit for taking the book, and those amount would be returned to you when you return the book to us, and you will receive your book within a week through any corrier or postal services and the Delivery charges should be paid by you.

Follow the steps.
Step 1: visit the Blog.
Step 2: Go to receiver registration section.
Step 3: Enter the details required, accept terms and policies, press register button.
Step 4: Wait, till we respond to your registration.
Step 5: Clarify your doubts and ask the particular book you saw in our books section to us.
Step 6: Send sufficient money to us through money order or bank transaction in the form of a deposit for taking the book.
Step 7: Receive the book and pay delivery charges.
Step 7: Return the book after using and get your deposited money.
We never wanted any other money to be with us and promise you that we never betray you.
Hoping good to happen, thank you for using our blog. 

Thank you...!!